Dr. Claus-M. Müller passes the baton to the next generation

Sep 07, 2022

As planned, Dr. Claus-M. Müller retired from the management of MC-Bauchemie and thus from his direct operating business responsibilities on 1 January 2022, passing the baton to his son Nicolaus M. Müller and Dr. Ekkehard zur Mühlen.

Three generations of the Müller family of entrepreneurs: Dr. Claus-M. Müller with his son Nicolaus in front of the portraits of his father and company founder Heinrich W. Müller (left; †2010) and of his brother Dr. Bertram R. Müller (†2012).
Three generations of the Müller family of entrepreneurs: Dr. Claus-M. Müller with his son Nicolaus in front of the portraits of his father and company founder Heinrich W. Müller (left; †2010) and of his brother Dr. Bertram R. Müller (†2012).
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

A year ago, the management of MC-Bauchemie formed an Advisory Board to oversee the group of companies, consisting of three external members Carl-Josef Husken, partner at EY for many years, Michael Marhofer, CEO of ifm electronic group of companies in Essen, and Dr. Mark Spieker, Chief Financial Officer at E.ON, joined by the managing partner of MC-Bauchemie of many years’ standing, Dr. Claus-M. Müller. The Advisory Board has the task of advising and supporting the MC Group in its medium- and long-term business policy-making and in tackling the challenges that the future is likely to bring.

Dr. Claus-M. Müller joins the Advisory Board of the of MC-Bauchemie Group 

In recent months, Dr. Claus-M. Müller has held the dual position of Chairman of the Advisory Board and Managing Director. As planned, he stepped down from the Executive Board and withdrew from his active role in directing operational business affairs on 1 January 2022. “I am happy and reassured to hand the baton over to my son and Dr. zur Mühlen in the sure knowledge that they will continue to develop the company successfully. From now on, I will focus on my function as Chairman of the Advisory Board,” says Dr. Claus-M. Müller. Since the switch was completed, he has indeed been supporting the management as an active Advisor Board member. He is particularly involved in key issues, such as upcoming major investments, and undertakings in the area of research and development. He will also be advising certain affiliated companies.

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